Tuesday, January 26, 2010

What Is Pinky Colored Palms What Could Be The Reason For It Swelling?

What could be the reason for it swelling? - what is pinky colored palms

Earlier today I ran my hand over a portion of a closet, and part of my hand is swollen. The bottom of the palm of his hand under my little finger swollen. It hurts when touched, and even a sort of small bump in the game of the bone. Although the "Hits" is more of a dark purple, pink. What could be wrong, or what is the reason that instead of bruising swelling?


Anonymous said...

Probably just bruised and swollen the impact. Put ice for 10 minutes, then 10th Repeat for 30 minutes. Will disappear but you can order a few days. You really need Wacked are difficult.

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